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Monday, May 6, 2013

Value and values of fund raising

    I won't make suggestions or critiques of the infinite variety of fund raisers, but make a few observations about the phenomenon in general. The value and values of fund raising need always to be thought through explicitly:
  • Is the sole goal to raise as much money as possible?
  • How much has to be raised?
  • Can it be done in one event or a series of events or activities?
  • Is group building an important element?
  • Do the youth actually have time to do the project? You can't accept promises. Look at their schedules and track record for showing up.
  • How much of a mess will the project be and who is likely to be offended or impacted by the project?
  • Will the youth themselves be doing the project or is it a parent project?
  • Is the project ethical? Is it more than just fancy begging or tricking people?
  • How much are you willing to rely on sympathy, guilt or the aren't-they-cute factor?

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