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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Physical contact with youth

This is an era when there are regular headlines about youth workers being arrested for sexual abuse. We cannot ignore this situation but must make allowances for the distrust and uncertainty that will be always be present. This topic is, of course, full of controversial, debatable issues and issues that need to be nuanced beyond “hints.” I n this blog I will toss out some basics and how I've dealt with some specific issues that have come up. These issues are not always clear-cut.
  • A warm, public hug is an essential for youth ministry but be sure to read body language to know that it is appreciated – but not too much so.
  • No private hugs!
  • Similarly, pats and other forms of touch should be kept to a minimum and always done in public.
  • (Yes, this is sad and contrary to what we know about human development, but it is where we are as a society. We cannot change this situation, but must find ways of getting along the best we can.)
  • By the way, the term “stalking” has, at this particular time, become meaningless from over use. Youth use it anytime they get the slightest bit of unwanted attention.

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