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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gender specific sleeping arrangements

Letting them sleep wherever they want is generally a bad idea. But having reasonable controls and practices can get tricky. It is easier to start out with strict sleep rules and lighten up than the other way around.
  • Sometimes for one particular activity sleeping all together maybe acceptable, but make sure this is known ahead of time so they can come prepared with appropriate sleeping attire.
  • Plan for one person (you) to sleep in a neutral space between the sleeping areas or at least at the door of the appropriate space.
    • If there is an emergency in the middle of the night you can be found and reached easily from either sleeping space (give this as a public explanation of why you are there).
    • It is easier to keep track of kids: sneaking out, sleep-walking, having night terrors, or having to go to the bathroom (You don't have to tell the youth this reason).
    • You are more likely to get a full night's sleep (you don't have to tell your fellow counselors this little secret).
  • Although there is a trend toward a practice of having adults not sleep in a room with youth, this should be the policy only if people are in 2-3 person rooms. In mass sleeping situations, it is better for there to be an adult in the room or the kids will never get to sleep. Also, groups of unsupervised youth can sometimes do dumb things, even if they are “good kids.”
  • If it is necessary to have everyone sleep in a single space have the genders on opposite sides of the room with a buffer space with someone (you) in this “no-person land.” This makes the situation more comfortable for the few youth who are particularly self-conscious and there is no particular downside to having them divided.

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