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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gender specific sleeping arrangements

Generally speaking, it is best to have different dorms/rooms/classrooms/spaces/shanties/lean-tos/yurts for the different genders.
  • This allows kids to dance around in their underwear and to strew their clothes around without embarrassment.
  • Parents like this practice also (even though there is no danger of something bad happening in reality). It helps parents feel that you are in control of things.
  • There is always pressure from kids to sleep all together as a group, but for social reasons this put everyone under stress, which few of them need.


  1. Have you thought about this in terms of LGBTQ youth? While I have yet to face that in my own ministry, I imagine before my time is over I will.

  2. Really good question!! Although I have not had to deal with this explicitly I have known of instances where this might have been an issue. This is one reason I prefer large group sleeping arrangements rather than "hotel room" situations -- no chance for misunderstandings.
    LGB situations are not really in question. T are, but I would go with their declared "gender."
