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Tuesday, October 1, 2013


What would your group think if they showed up for a Party and it wasn't there -- but had been moved, with only a clue left behind pointing to the new location (maybe)? How would they react if a rather serious discussion was spiced up with a little pizza and a change of location? Who in your group would object to a Lockin or a Retreat that was a little out of the ordinary?
In my ministry one of the defining features was the probability of the unexpected. I specialized in the unexpected. However, the surprises were not random or on the spur of the moment. Each, from the tiniest program tweak to major surprise events were carefully planned so that they wouldn't go awry or have unforeseen consequences. For the next so many weeks I will be mixing into my blog entries about surprises. In keeping with my practice of not covering one subject from beginning to end and possibly losing people that are not interested in that particular subject, I will spread these out. However, as with other topics, you can click on the “Surprises” topic and get all the blog entries up to that point in time. I will have two types of entries, theoretical issues (why, when, things to watch for) and details on specific surprise activities.

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