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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Prize surprise:Come-as-you-are Breakfast

Surprise Come-as-you-are Breakfast
This surprise can be as elaborate as you wish, everything from a surprise trip to the favorite fast-food restaurant to a four course meal. The more elaborate approach will be described here in order to show the possibilities. In brief, the surprise is to prearrange with parents so that you can come get the youth bright and early and without warning on a Saturday or Sunday morning to take them out for breakfast.
Why do this surprise:
There are several values of this type of surprise. First and foremost, it gives the youth something to talk about for years to come. It also tends to bond a random combination of youth since the group that will be gathered in such an activity is quite random no matter how systematic we are in trying to have everyone participate. Since the parents are the one's making the decision whether a youth will be participating, this type of program will often reach kids that might not otherwise participate in youth activities. Finally - this amuses parents to no end.
How to do the surprise:
To start out, decide what type of breakfast to do, and to find a date that is relatively free in the lives of your youth. Next call or write parents well in advance about the plan. I try to call all parents, since teens often go through the family mail before the parents get home. In talking to the parents, extract a promise to keep the plan a secret even if their kids will not be participating.
The starting time is a balance between being early enough to catch the youth off guard and before they have to be at other obligations and not so early that it is a problem for the parents. I usually have pickups start at 7a.m. on a Saturday.
Once a list of youth who will be involved has been compiled, divide the names geographically then recruit a set of drivers. It is ideal if the drivers are also adults that are otherwise connected with the youth such as Youth Group sponsors and church school teachers. This will make the pickup less stressful for the youth and help bond youth to leader.
The drivers are to all start pickup at the same time but in different areas and work toward the destination. As prearranged with the parent, the driver (and any already picked up youth?) go to the door, rouse the youth and inform them that they have 30 seconds to be out the door for a surprise breakfast and that they will be returned home at xxx o'clock. (The "30 seconds" business is to give the youth time to get ready enough to be comfortable about appearing in public before they leave - the idea is amuse not humiliate. This will be essentially "come as you are" but not in the extreme.)
Proceed to the breakfast spot. A fancy breakfast adds to the festive and entertaining nature of this event. Since many youth have other obligations on most mornings, year round, it is probably important to plan to have the event end early, no later than 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning for example.
What to avoid:
First and foremost, drivers should not argue with or force a youth who really doesn't want to participate. This is supposed to be a fun event and it can be spoiled by someone being there who is seriously angry about it. A little teasing and cajoling is fine, but graciously relent if they set their heels.
Also, do not make too serious an item about the event. This is strictly a fun thing, and if done lightheartedly, it will be appreciated by the youth.
If a public setting is chosen, like a fast food restaurant, be especially sensitive to the social sensibilities of the individual youth and how they are willing to appear in public, we do not want anyone to feel humiliated by the experience.
Have it at the church
Have it in a fast-food, or breakfast restaurant
Have it at someone's house
Have it on the front lawn of the church
Have it at the beach/shore/lake/city park
Combine it with another event - if a group of youth are signed up for a retreat, trip, outing, fund-raiser that day, treat that group to a surprise breakfast.

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