Fortunately “officers” are rare
now (they were standard when I was growing up). There are a lot of
down sides to officers or other elected leadership. But some people
are stuck with them.
- Pros:
- We've always done it and everyone knows how it works
- sometimes you get really good leadership
- sometimes a person is elected whom the adult leadership would not choose
- Cons:
- If they are elected, then it turns into a popularity contest which is divisive and sometimes you get hard feelings
- Often you get the wrong people elected: popular but not faithful or interested
- Sometimes you get people who simply lack the skills being called upon
- It encourages a hierarchical in-group/out-group mentality which doesn't need to be encouraged.
- Working with an elected council:
- structure the meetings where each officer is to come in with comments and suggestions from others in the youth group
- Use open sub-committees so that each officer will have to meet with people they might not choose to work with to accomplish their tasks
- Give them “feet-washing” jobs that remind them that they are servants of the other youth: work a food serving line, be responsible for cleanup after events, etc
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