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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Discussion ideas for help youth make good decisions

  • “Employers always search the Internet for information about a candidate, what will they find about you? How will they react to that information?”
  • "How would it feel to have a nude or suggestive picture of you get out and go viral?  Everyone who sees you might have seen the picture?"
  • “What would happen if you were at an unsupervised party and it was raided (even if you weren't drinking)? What would be the repercussions? What would your school do? Your parents?”
  • " If you are alone with someone and they ask something of you that you don't want to do, how do you get out of it?  What if they say they'll lie and tell people you went along with them?"
  • "What would happen to you if you let someone cheat off you and the two of you were caught?"

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