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Monday, July 1, 2013

Youth rooms and spaces

    Take seriously all the advice in the manuals and books to have spaces that are appropriate for the occupants and for the activity. In other words, a room that youth actually will like being in. Don't postpone this for a rainy day.
  • Discussion space looks different from a study space which looks different from a recreation space. Either the room needs to be flexible or you need 3 or more spaces (sections).
  • Approach the room from the view of a new youth entering for the first time – when you have a new youth ask for the suggestions for making the space better.
  • There is a balance between keeping things the same for the sake of tradition (“we've always had that awful painting in here – we sometimes add a mustache or other decorations”) and dingy, rundown and out of date.
  • Out of date happens quickly. Every few years you have a new group. Create a new youth room.
  • Do fill it with leftover hand-me-downs. I've experimented with this and run down furniture, besides being off-putting is quickly destroyed since it is not valued. New furniture will be valued and taken care of.
  • But do get hardy furniture.

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