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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

When a youth has to leave a youth program

Eventually youth that have been particularly close to you or the program have to deal with their impending exit: graduating, moving, changing circle of friends or interests. There are several common ways for them to deal with their feelings in this situation:
    • Walking away. Simply making the break when the time comes, without fuss, maybe even without a farewell, leaving the relationship unclosed, open-ended.
    • Quietly distancing themselves over time. Do keep in touch, making sure they know you are still there, but do not confront or try to coerce them back.
    • Picking a fight. This usually comes as a surprise and unexpectedly. It is often over a trivial issue and is often vehement. You have to remain the adult and not respond in kind. Just accept the attack and not take it personally. Do not confront or force a resolution.
      • Sometimes when youths need to make a break from their parents but can't (there are a variety of reasons a youth may have to remain emotionally dependent on their parents past the normal time for this) they may target you for all their rebelliousness and frustration.
      • They'll come back eventually if given a chance. When they come back they'll be adults, and you can establish a different, more mature relationship with them.

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