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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Toxic Charity #1: Introduction

This is an old topic and an old term that has been discussed for many years in the world of “mission trips,” and “service projects.” There is a recent book by this title. I've not read the book although my wife has and it has engendered good discussions around the house. However I will be approaching topic as a youth worker leading/teaching youth.
Future posts will be about toxic aspects of mission trips and work projects, then posts about the value of mission trips and work projects and finally some comments about how to make these efforts as non-toxic as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend you read the book. It's definitely an "eye opener"--at least it was for me. I agree that mission trips are powerful experiences for youth, but we want to be sure we're not undermining the dignity of the people we're supposed to be helping.
