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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Preparing a group for a major trip

Spend some time on group building.
  • Of course have activities that acquaint everyone with names and backgrounds of everyone.
  • Work hard at getting everyone there for every meeting.
  • Even if there is not much needed to do before the trip have work groups that must meet together to do their work.
  • Some possibilities are:
    • “Community Life” that researches things to do wherever you are going. They should also plan to bring board games and other recreational materials for “down times.”
    • “Logistics” that determines what things need to be brought along such as tools, flashlights, camping equipment, … and who is responsible for bringing what.
    • “Publicity and promotion” which publicizes the trip with the congregation at large and maybe even the general public.
    • “Historians” that will plan on how and who will record the trip and make a report back to the congregation. Someone will need to bring a computer and someone will need to be the official photographer with a good digital camera.
    • “Food Committee” to decide menus and snack food, and what should be brought along from home. Make sure the committees are random in make up. This is a group builder more than anything else.

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